Without spilling a pea from a bowl full of peas,
or losing a slice from a plate piled with cheese,
the daring young waiter on the flying trapeze
sailed over our heads with the greatest of ease,
a look on his face of absolute peace,
each hair of his mustache painstakingly greased.
At the pinnacle of his swing, we all gasped.
He released!
Then flipped five or six times!
(I wasn't quite able
to be sure of the count.)
He landed at our table.
Bravo! We all cheered.
And though the menu was weird,
I'd come back anytime for such service.
or losing a slice from a plate piled with cheese,
the daring young waiter on the flying trapeze
sailed over our heads with the greatest of ease,
a look on his face of absolute peace,
each hair of his mustache painstakingly greased.
At the pinnacle of his swing, we all gasped.
He released!
Then flipped five or six times!
(I wasn't quite able
to be sure of the count.)
He landed at our table.
Bravo! We all cheered.
And though the menu was weird,
I'd come back anytime for such service.
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